Game 1: Lonestar BC North vs. Elite RBI
Our first tournament was a success. Check out lour spring classic tournament highlights for all the details.

1st Inning
- RBI Defense Shut down Lonestar with no runs scored.
- Surrell gets on base, Trout hits a double, Marquardt brings them in for 2 RBI!
- Torres gets on base, Mocniak hits a double, Bailiff gets 1 RBI.
- Parnell gets on bases, and gets an RBI. Geiger gets on base bringing in 2 more RBIs before Lonestar gets the 3rd out of the inning.
- Elite RBI put up 6 Runs!
2nd Inning
- Elite RBI holds Lonestar to 1 run.
- We hit hard but can’t get a run in.
3rd Inning
- Elite RBI defense holds Lonestar to 0 runs. 3 up, 3 down!
- We hit hard but can’t get a run in.
4th Inning
- Elite RBI defense holds Lonestar to 0 runs again. 3 up, 3 down!
- Geiger gets on base, Thompson gets on base, Killion brings one in for 1 RBI.
- Surrell gets on base and brings in 1RBI.
- Trout gets on base bringing in the last RBI and ending the game by run rule.
Final Score: 9-1 Elite RBI for the WIN!
Game 2: Elite RBI vs. Hooks 8u Mayne

1st Inning
- Defense shuts down the Hooks, 3 up, 3 down!
- Bailiff gets on base, Marquardt hits an in the park HOME RUN for 2 RBI!
- Klein gets on base, Torres hits a double and gets 1 RBI.
- Mocniak gets on base, Geiger gets on base and brings in 1 more RBI before the inning ends.
2nd Inning
- Defense is strong again, 2 up, 2 down. Hooks get on base once before the 3rd out. No runs scored.
- Thompson hits a double, Killion gets on base, Bailiff gets on base bringing in 1 RBI.
- Trout gets on base, Marquardt hits another in the park HOME RUN for 3 RBI!
- Klein hits a triple, Torres gets on base with 1 RBI before the inning ends.
3rd Inning
- Defense stays tough, 2 up, 2 down. Hooks get on base once before the 3rd out. No runs scored.
- Geiger gets on base, Parnell hits a double, Killion hits an in the park HOME RUN for 3 RBI
4th Inning
- Hooks get on base and the next batter gets an in the park home run from an error, scoring 2.
- The next 3 Hook batters came up and resulted in 3 quick outs.
- RBI was not able to get any more runs in the last inning, ending the game from the run rule.
Final Score: 12-2 Elite RBI for the WIN!
Game 3: Championships – Elite RBI vs Lonestar BC North

1st Inning
- Lonestar got in 1 run before RBI got the 3rd out.
- Surrell got on base, Trout got on base, Marquardt got on base bringing in 1 RBI.
- Lonestar’s defense was tough getting 3 force outs at 2nd.
2nd Inning
- RBI defense holds strong with 3 up, 3 down!
- Mocniak gets on base, Bailiff gets on base, Parnell brings in an RBI before Lonestar gets the 3rd out.
3rd Inning
- RBI defense started strong, with 2 quick outs. But them Lonestar got on a streak and scored 5 runs before we could get the last out.
4th Inning
- RBI batters struggled with 3 quick outs in the 4th inning.
- Lonestar was still in a batting groove scoring 7 runs, ending the game.

Final Score: 3-13 Losing to Lonestar for 2nd Place.